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Thank you, all you lovely humans who helped bring Zenobia into the world!


My ninja pirate superhero agent at Writers House, Brianne Johnson

My stellar editors at Viking, Alex Ulyett and Dana Leydig

Also at Viking: Ken Wright, Jim Hoover, Marcos Chin, Ashley Spruill, Friya Bankwalla, and a host of others

The incredible team that produced the Zen audiobook, including Julianna Wilson, Harry Nangle, and Taylor Meskimen

Samaa Abdurraqib, for nuanced authenticity reads



Most of the above were also involved with getting my 2017 title Felix Yz out into the world, along with:


Katie Quinn, Katharine McAnarney, Simone Barros, Michael Crouch, Tara Sands, and Erin Spencer


Also, enduring gratitude to many helpers back in the Felix self-publishing days:


Cygnus Madrose for amazing art

Sam Bunker for crucial creative input

Nikki Starcat Shields and Brent Nelson for fantastic editing and pep talks

Monica Wendel for gorgeous cover design

Fred Greenhalgh for his endless enthusiasm for and expertise with sound

Hannah Kramer for being so exactly Bea

Sam Bullock for her wonderful cameo


And, always:


My wife Dawn Huebner, for everything and all

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