Author Bios
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Short form:
Lisa Bunker (vo/ven/veir) works full time as a writer. Veir books include Felix Yz, Zenobia July, and Almond, Quartz, and Finch. Vo lives in Sacramento, CA with veir spouse, an author in her own right. Between them they have three grown children. From 2018 to 2022 Lisa served the town of Exeter in the new Hampshire House of Representatives. Veir author website is at www.lisabunker.net.
Long form:
Lisa Bunker(vo/ven/veir) has written stories all veir life. Veir books include Felix Yz (Viking, 2017), Zenobia July (Viking, 2019), and Almond, Quartz, and Finch (New Wind, 2023). Before setting up shop as a full-time author vo had a 30-year career in non-commercial broadcasting. Vo has made homes in New Mexico, the LA area, Seattle, the Florida panhandle, Maine, and New Hampshire. Vo now lives in Sacramento, CA with veir spouse Dawn, an author in her own right. Between them they have three grown children. From 2018 to 2022 Lisa represented the town of Exeter in the New Hampshire House of Representatives. Veir other active interests include chess, birding, choral singing, and musical composition.